Why is the battery life on my cell phone so short all of a sudden? And how do I go about fixing this? - battery life on prism 7 inch tv
My cell phone batteries used to last a few weeks ago, I even speak drain. Sometimes, but I charge the phone before the battery life was completely exhausted.
Since the battery life is now shorter, I was waiting to load completely before starting again empty. He's always in me, after a few days after loading. Is there a way to solve this problem?
Battery Life On Prism 7 Inch Tv Why Is The Battery Life On My Cell Phone So Short All Of A Sudden? And How Do I Go About Fixing This?
10:25 PM
This can be several reasons:
Extra things like AT & T's 3G network (think you can stop and regular use of the network)
The battery can be turned-bad, should be replaced
My father worked in the battery industry, and I must read for you. Obviously, this is a general problem with the batteries.
My father said http://www.ultracheapbatteries.com is the place to go for the exchange of the battery.
Buy a new battery. Rechargeable batteries have a limited life and the most likely.
Buy a new battery. Rechargeable batteries have a limited life and the most likely.
The battery of my mother began to paint after 15 minutes the phone, so I had to buy a new phone, because, ironically, was a discounted phone cheaper than a new battery.
He said that last for a battery is usually 20 months Sprint has a two-year contract with them, it means that the battery life is shit 4 months before their contractual agreement with him. I think it's a conspiracy.
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