Are there serious health side effects from the long term use of Marijuana? - side effects of blunt wraps
I have a friend "who smoke an ounce or more per week for more than 5 years. Are there any serious side effects that it? There are also positive or negative documents" Blunt can come?
Side Effects Of Blunt Wraps Are There Serious Health Side Effects From The Long Term Use Of Marijuana?
2:14 PM
* I smoked for five consecutive years, both as his friend, and I personally can say is slow, even now, sometimes I'm slow to catch things, dont get me wrong Im not stupid. I smoked throughout their school and even top 20 in my class.
In any case, it makes you very lazy, and if they are dependent on the end of May in the wrong path in life (not about work, friends, pot of money problems only). And yes, it can be addictive, but most of it is the psychological dependence on the mood, not a physical addiction, like crack / methods / etc
But tell your friend to take care, B / C, they can feel clean, but the people leading their shit with the killer cockroaches for people addicted (of chemicals) is not a joke.
In glad I no longer smoke, for now, but I'm not against potPersonally, I want to legalize, / regulate tobacco, like alcohol. There are a lot worse because, Heck, that alcohol is a terrible, what terrbile put in your body.
Documents are best B / C both have their snuff film as blunt, but if you've smoked THC, so that means no need to feel something, blunts vs joints
After so many years is the year I've decided to break with him ... It's been a nice life so far ... But I did not know the level of enjoyment of all that is still there, only in addition to marijuana ...
The memory problems are shaken ... Awareness goes down ... The fact is that these things are not good enough, at the same time "in" thought pot ... It is a big step "out" can not decide on their own whether to take ... The question is when?
Weeds is the safest drug, legal or illegal, the blouse, and many people have this misconception that you are brain cells that can not you lose: you just have problems with short-term memory 'S're on top! The only problem with weeds is that it is illegal, dependence, and unproductive. And it makes you lazy!
Ounces to week is a lot of grass.
with papers u can eat the weeds, the ruins of flavored blunt wrap from the weed.
Smoking batters One One oz can take months
Pot can lead to psychological dependence. The person must remain absolute.
It is very controversial, whether it is a physical dependence. In the latter, there is little evidence supporting a person goes through "withdrawal physical" when to stop them.
Comparing an articulation of a cigarette, a joint while NO is a cigarette filter to filter, there is contamination.
So, in addition to marijuana, are toxic substances can be inhaled into the lungs. This leads to a form of lung and bronchial problems --- even including asthma, bronchitis and emphysema.
However, the worst consequence that marijuana is illegal (even if you smoke) at home. OZ is a lot more, and if your friend, with whom this happens to him, and stopsra traffic violations and marijuana is ... Her boyfriend looks at a trip to the police station. You can lose your car and get a recording.
Finally, many people feel that marijuana smoking --- a path of self-medication "good" and not cope with life are. The pot is the most frequently used for tax evasion.
Pot ex-smoker, but I decided it was time to grow.
If tobacco is harmful, no matter what it is. It would be better if your friend drinks his marijuana
Anxiety and depression. My husband had smoked a friend, a quantity of marijuana and has slowly started to cry, and think that many of your colleagues will be collected against him. It has the workplace changed much. It was a shame, because there were two titles in various fields (must have been intelligent) and played the guitar and drums in various bands and was newly married with a baby coming, but he felt that he could not be trusted. We lost contact with him because he is in another state, but he had tried to leave for a while, and antidepressants.
It kills brain cells. The answers will not come so quickly, or things are much harder to understand. It is also addictive (untested). And it can cause lung cancer.
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