Low Glycemic Breakfast Does This Weight Loss Diet Make Sense? I HATE My Belly?

Does this Weight Loss Diet Make sense? I HATE my belly? - low glycemic breakfast

I eat about 1200 calories / day. GOLEAN begin with Kashi cereal and a banana for breakfast. Then I took an afternoon Atkins (low sugar, high protein content) Shake. Lunch is usually reduced in a sandwich of whole grain bread with low glycemic index with a teaspoon of fat or calories in May and an ounce or less of lean meat, more of an orange. Dinner is usually a main dish in South Beach, plus another serving of vegetables. Oh, I forgot, I have a low-sodium V-8 often with lunch. In 44 meters, which began five weeks ago at 233 pounds, I (5.8), not 218th, I am determined to improve my health and appearance.'m In addition, on most days of walking for half an hour


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