0 Degree Gloves I Have A Magellan GPS In My Car. Will Extreme Hot Or Cold Temperatures Affect It's Functioning?

I have a Magellan GPS in my car. Will extreme hot or cold temperatures affect it's functioning? - 0 degree gloves

I do not remember the manual says nothing about the temperature precautions. I just wanted to be sure everything will go well into the glove box for the winter. The temperatures are often as low as -2 degrees below 0 and 100 degrees F.

Thank you!


MDC said...

I have many GPS devices, the numbers in their manuals have a look at the operation at different temperatures. They are usually associated with the units to turn in time, when you plug your car. When the temperature is too high or too low, the device will take longer to get a connection.

All electronics will be carried out by extreme temperatures. Only unity delay or display strange, but can also damage the device.

How long the device is not constant at these temperatures, then you should be fine. You can only find that you need to drive more to connect to satellite connection.

Bearded Rusty Tater © said...

Let me into the car in extreme temperatures. Temperatures below the freezing point of the device can lead to reduce the size and the plastic housing to eliminate the time and the extreme heat can expand and deform the plastic so that the screen can be relaxed. The circuit is for moderate temperatures, but the exposure time of less than 25 and about 100 degrees Celsius are not ideal for a long life of the camera!

William F. D said...

In the winter my Garmin takes about 2 to 3 minutes on the hard drive heat.

mardidel... said...

All electronic products have their own temperature.
If this is not indicated.

Just turn the area in case of fog or moisture in the interior of the vehicle. All the electronics no longer work if the inside moist.

Neil N said...

Yes influence, very high temperatures and low. Its navigation system has an internal hard drive for maps and ANS-accessible database is sensitive to temperature extremes.

I leave it in the glove compartment for the winter or summer.

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